$150.00 AUD

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1:1 Personal Prophetic Coaching & Mentoring

1 x 60 minute consultation

  • Personal prophetic insight, discernment, understanding, & application
  • Have tangible encounters with the presence of God
  • Learn how to pray for miracles and watch them happen
  • Goal setting, plan implementation, & accountability
  • Personally tailored homework & activations
  • Recordings of Sessions

Tanya says, "In my time with Donna clarity came, and through prayer and strategies we are seeing breakthrough in our business."

Robyn says, "I have learned to hear God in a far greater way and be obedient to what He is saying to me, leading to much better decisions for my life rather than relying on my own thinking. I have much more confidence in what I am doing."

You will be sent an online calendar link so that you can book in a time that is totally convenient for you, and we will meet over Zoom.

Let's get you your breakthrough ... together!