​​Want to experience intimacy with Jesus, know His strategies &

walk in His power, the way that He intended you to?

You’re in the right place, my friend!

​​I’m Donna Cole, Prophetic Kingdom Consultant, & I love to see passionate Christian women, like you, be empowered to confidently hear Holy Spirit, gain clarity in your decisions, go deeper in God, and be able to see miracles happen in your everyday lives is the greatest honour I have.

I've spent over 20 years studying, coaching and mentoring women in local churches before including serving amazing Christian Kingdom women globally online.

Along the way, I coined the title “Prophetic Kingdom Consultant” for myself, because I use the prophetic gifting to equip women, like you, to gain God’s perspective about yourself and your situations and to help you think like Jesus, because you have the mind of Christ. This enables you to do ALL that Jesus did while on the earth too.

If you long for more than 'run of the mill' Christianity and want to experience the power, love & wonder of God in your everyday life, you're in the right place.

Be transformed:

  • 1:1 Personal & Business Mentoring:
    • Gain Holy Spirit insight and clarity for yourself and your personal situations
    • Have life-transforming encounters with the presence of God
    • Gain divine wisdom and strategy for your business

If you’re ready to experience God is a greater way, CLICK RIGHT HERE.

10 fun facts ...

  1. I’ve travelled to 12 different countries
  2. I got busted the first time I walked through customs in a foreign country, smuggling Bibles
  3. I never saw a Star Wars movie until I was 27 years old
  4. I sang in a choir at the Opera House here in Sydney
  5. I met Murray (the Red Wiggle) from the original ‘Wiggles’ children’s group
  6. I read the last page of a novel & then read the book from the start
  7. I’m one of the only few people in the world who really enjoy brussel sprouts
  8. I grew up in a country town with more cattle than people
  9. We had our wedding photos taken BEFORE the ceremony
  10. I married the most wonderful man in the world

Bonus - We have 6 children (Yes, we know what causes it. Yes, we have a tv & no, we aren’t Catholic)

Qualifications & Study:

  • Certified Biblical Life Coach - Christian Life Coaching
  • Emerging Prophets Yr 2 - Global Prophetic Alliance - Emma Stark (currently studying)
  • Prophetic Training - School of Prophets
  • Bethel Healing School - Bethel Church, Redding, CA
  • Spiritual Intelligence - SQ Institute
  • Data Lab - Aqua Regia (currently participating in)
  • Discipleship Training - Katie Souza Ministries 
  • Setting the Captives Free Deliverance Training - Living Stones Communities
  • Transformational Mind Renewal Course - Igniting Hope Academy
  • Thriving Church Leadership - Igniting Hope Academy   
  • Beliefs Training - Igniting Hope Ministries
  • Tattoos and Piercings Interpretation - Doug Addison
  • Dream Interpretation - Doug Addison
  • Wisdom, Wonder and Understanding - School of Divine Intelligence
  • Anomali - Brian Orme
  • Christian Health Coach - Biblical Health Institute (currently studying)
  • Certified Culinary Nutrition Expert - Academy of Culinary Nutrition

Abundant blessings to you now and always,

Donna Cole

Prophetic Kingdom Consultant

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