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What Are You Expecting?

What Are You Expecting?

christian life power-filled life Nov 29, 2016

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.”     Matthew 7:7 (ESV)

I have been listening to people over the years and it finally dawned on me this week what seems to be a running theme is through the conversations. No expectation!

If these people were not believers I would understand, but they are. I would share how I have seen God heal someone and they shrugged it off in unbelief. I have watched someone come out of a coma that the doctors said would most likely never happen – twice. I have watched my uncle submit his life to Jesus while he was in a coma – because this was the only way that Jesus could get him. Ha ha! I love it! Jesus is so merciful. I have prayed and watched my daughter’s very swollen and bruised foot be completely healed within the 4 hours that we were at the hospital.

You get what you expect.

I tell you this not to brag. It was not me who healed these people or brought salvation. I tell you this because God’s power lives within each one of you if you are a follower of Jesus – and it is for today! You can do it too. Miracles did not finish in the New Testament or when Jesus went to Heaven. They are for NOW ……. TODAY!

My question for you today is,

“Do you believe that God can and will do the impossible for you?”

It is one thing to know that God CAN do anything but having the faith and belief that He WILL do it for you is a whole other ball game. I know, for I struggled with this for years.

In Romans 2:11, Paul says that God does not show favouritism to anyone. One thing we have to understand is that either the Bible is the whole truth or it isn’t. I had an argument about this with someone one day as they told me, adamantly, that they only read the ‘red parts’ (you know, the words that Jesus spoke in some Bibles). These were the only parts that were important and true. Either the whole Word is true or it isn’t. If it is true, then why do believers and followers of Christ struggle to believe for the miraculous? And, if we struggle with the miraculous, then truly, what is the point of praying? What is the point of anything really? “Beam me up Scotty”, I say! (There you are, my dear husband, finally a Star Trek reference.)

The fact that we can even have a relationship with Jesus and go to Heaven when we die is truly miraculous. Isn’t it?

Either God is God or He is not. He is only limited by our beliefs. Jesus was not able to do many miracles in Nazareth because of the people’s lack of faith (Mark 6:5-6). This is the only thing that limits God’s abilities …….. what we believe.

This is not to condemn anyone because I am first and foremost, writing to myself. I try desperately not to tell others what I am not willing to do myself. I am just overwhelmed with the low or no expectations that people (and me at times) have of the God of the universe.

Jesus came to be an example of how we can live.

He prayed and people were healed. So can we. Jesus prayed and people were set free. So can we. Jesus prayed and the dead were raised. So can we.

Jesus says, “Truly, truly I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he (us) do. John 14:12. (Parentheses mine)

When we are sick, we can pray and ask God to heal us. When our loved ones are ill or overcome with the issues of life, we can pray and we can expect God to move.

I have been praying about a situation for over 30 years and just this last Thursday, God said that the angels have been released to come and answer my prayer. Why did it take so long? Because of the timing. God is perfect in all His ways and He knows the end from the beginning. Did I lack faith in this time? Yes, but when I realised it was happening, I repented and asked God to help me with my unbelief. We are not perfect and we will struggle but honestly, we get what we are expecting. (This will be the biggest miracle that I have ever seen – salvation. Stay tuned!)

Are you expecting this coming year to be the same as this one? Are you expecting that nothing will change? Well guess what, that’s exactly what will happen. This was a hard lesson for me ……. and to be honest, it hurt, A LOT.

Expectation is a choice.

Expectation is expressed by words.

Choose today to expect Jesus to do something personally for you in your life – and He will. Choose to expect that a deep seated dream in your heart will start to come to fruition in the coming year – and it will. Choose to believe that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever – because He is (Hebrews 13:8). Choose to believe that God answers prayers and that He WILL answer yours. Your dreams are important to Him too.

The most important thing is not to give a voice to unbelief. DON’T SAY IT! Christine Caine (founder of A21) says, “A doubt not spoken is never realised.” The demons act on our words. Just as the angels harken to the Word of God (Psalm 103:20) when we speak it, the demons harken to our words of doubt and unbelief (1 Peter 5:8). They will make very sure that what we say in doubt will happen.

It’s your choice. Speak wisely and intentionally.

What do you want God to do for you today? Spend some time alone with Him and pour out your hearts’ desires today. He is ALWAYS ready to listen to you. Always.

Choose expectation. Lord, help my unbelief!

I would love to hear your experiences and answers to prayer. If you need prayer, please write in the comments below or get in touch with me via the contact form and I would love to pray for you.

As always, my prayers are with you.


(Photo credit –

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